用途 Application: 本产品适用于制造直流电机换向器片和制造笼型感应电动机笼条。 This product is used in producting commutator segments of D.C machines and squirrel cape rotor bars of induction motors
型号及名称 Type and name:

型号及规格表示方法:Expression of shape and size: 梯形规格表示方法:T/H/a Size of trapezoid bar expressed as T/H/a
生产范围:Rang of specifications: 梯形排截面尺寸范围:T≤20、H≤120、H/t≤50 Rang of crossectional area of trapezoidal bar:T≤20、H≤120、H/t≤50
执行标准:ZB K 13003. 2 dopted standard :ZB K 13003. 2
